Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I wonder what they ate?

In Austen's time, their day was structured very differently to ours. What did they eat, and when, and how was their day puntuated by activities?
Apparently, people did not rise and eat breakfast as we do now. Instead, they would dress for chores, and eat late morning. So, if they rose at 7, they may spend time with the livestock, or working around their house, or garden, and then eat at 10.
Can anyone find out more about the way a typical day ( if there is sucha thing) was structured?



    fake named [^P^] . [*D*] . 1ยบ capi. 1/6.
    is lil dorrrriiittt episodes. if anyone wants to watch them.

  2. Thanks mrs doctor who. The episodes are also stored for 11 days on iview, at The latest episode is there on the home page.
    It's well worth a look, even for 15 minutes or so, to see the representation of London's working classes. These are not evident in Pride and Prejudice. It's interesting to consider the similarities between Amy Dorritt, and Lizzie Bennet, both of whom reject a suitable husband as they do not love them. Both women are chastised by their parents for their selfishness, and also are cautioned by other women, to consider whether they may be left on the shelf! Can't wait to see if our Little Dorritt finds happiness and true love!

    Hope you are all able to post now.
    And isn't this a great background! No more renovations. JC

  3. ....and then my practice close analysis was terrible...

    so terible that i feel compelled to tear it to pieces. -The slight problem being i am currently not on crazy amounts of steroids that would allow me to tear my laptop in half. -.-

    So JC i was wondering, may i drop off my practice at a close analysis of the passage about sir william Lucas, into your pigion hole 2moro morning, and if you get the chance are you able to write what i'm doing wrong and how to expand on ideas as its terrible short of 700 words? :S
    as i am not at clonard at lunchtime to find and discuss with you.
    i could collect it from your home room at the end of the day?
    have a lovely night. keep on smiling. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


  4. Oh dear mrs doctor who, you sound as though you are in a state. Look, why don't we all bring our plans and our annotated passages in to class on Friday - and we'll work out a plan that we can all write to during the class on Friday. Can you please read your e-messages in the morning first thing to confirm this?
    Having just watched The Gruen Transfer, I am smiling. Will now read The Age and try and catch up on some news and opinion, or maybe I'll just settle for some Pride and Prejudice instead...
    See you tomorrow, JC

  5. JC...

    I am having a little trouble, though i'm afraid it is really not pride and prejudice themed.

    After realising that subject selections are now so very close, i have decided i would like to do literature. But then discovering how close year twelve is, i soon realised how close university is...

    my questions are these:

    What will literature involve next year?

    and (from, i think, your personal experience) what is it like to major in literature in university? Did you study a Bachelor of Arts?

    Just curious and a little nervous about it all, plus i think i need just a little push in the lit direction...


  6. Many good questions Elisha, but we need to discuss this in another forum. I'll email you.JC
