Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Further study - a well-timed article

Hello there, This blogger has received and enquiry about undertaking further study in Literature. There is a wealth of information, advice, and many sounding boards at your beck and call at school, as you know. In yesterday's Age Education section there is also an article titled "Doing it By the Book", briefly discussing a BA with a Literature major.

Perfect timing!

Link is here www.theage.com.au/national/education/doing-it-by-the-book.

If it doesn't work, head to Theage.com.au/education, and there is a link on the right hand side of the page.


  1. hey guys i dunno if you alreafy knew about this site but its new to me.


    Absolutely FREE online books
    Thousands of novels, poems, stories
    Easy to read books online


  2. nebuchadnezzer by william blake stod out to me. Well i found the beard entertaining. so i reserched (nebuchadnezzer not the beard) and found out

    "The son of Nabopolassar; became king of Babylon in 604 B.C. as Assyria was on the decline; died 561.His name, either in this spelling or in the more correct form, Nebuchadrezzar (from the original, "Nabu-kudurri-uṣur" = "Nebo, defend my boundary"), is found more than ninety times in the Old Testament."

    Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=154&letter=N#ixzz0uy76CYms

    i think i like william blakes paintings. there is just something about the brush strokes or something that appeals to me in his work.

    the prettiest one i think is Oberon and Titania on a Lily. i like it. anyways cheerio. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) keep on smiling

  3. its lyndel. disregard this 2nd dr.who i created on followers bar. also i think this one is called me :) :) :) ignore it. needed this account to talk to sarah. disregard. cheerio guys. wait if you guys do chem too and have the hazards table. please email to this account by clicking on followers on this page. also sarah check your email. hopefully its not the school email. -.-

    (sorry for un-lit-ish post)


  4. This blog is for things literary only, please don't use it as a communication board for other subjects - that is unfair on the users of the blog. We all have one thing in common, and that is our 11 Literature. Please use all your other forms of communication if you want to move the focus away from Literature, thanks, JC.

  5. on behalf of rosie:
    has some interesting things to read that Austen said. :) its quite amusing.
    this is rosies post btw, i'm just writing i out for her. she's having technical problems.

  6. Hey guys,

    Just having a little looksey on the internet for poems - as per usual - and have found many blog sites dedicated to poetry. some are really good - even the blogger writes her own up, or some in respnse. All very lovely.

    here's one I just found, and thought it spoke well of the world and the people in it.

    In a chair I sit
    And forget the life
    That so oppresses me.
    The only pain I feel
    Is the pain
    Of having felt it sometime.
    To be free is
    To withdraw from the world.
    You seek no one,
    No money, no glory
    No love, no society, no curiosity.
    They flourish not
    In silence and solitude.

    Unable to live alone
    Is like being a slave.
    Even if superior in soul,
    You still are a serf--
    A noble slave.

    Woe betide you,
    Weight of life makes you a slave.
    Woe betide you,
    Born free, yet you seek
    Others’ company for need.
    That tragedy is yours alone,
    You alone must bear it.

    ~ Fernando Pessoa
    Rendering by Ravi Kopra

  7. ahahaha did anyone see "super sizesr.... go regency"? i saw the last 15minutes. it's actually so fuuny and supriseing. These people lived for a week like gentry of the regency period. contained reference to austen. they did everything like, balls, food for which occasion, the regency facial and hair treatment, and the like. It is was fantastic. if possible i definately reccomend we watch the entire thing in class.

    here's the program discription:

    "Thursday 5th August at 8.30 pm (60 minutes)
    Channel: SBS
    (Part 6 of 7) Restaurant Critic Giles Coren and writer and performer Sue Perkins spend a week on a diet spanning the Regency Years of 1789 - 1821. With the wonderful Rosemary Shrager cooking for them at their country manor house, they enjoy the full trappings of the landed gentry. Dressing as a Jane Austen heroine, Sue is on a mission to find a husband, while Giles indulges in being a dandy. During their week they try a meal fit for a prince with boars head and salmon poached in champagne. Giles tries the roast beef of England and together they discover the origins of the sandwich while gambling away their inheritance at the gaming tables. (From the UK in English) (Food Series" from http://www.ourguide.com.au/WebPages/VIC_Geelong.html

    wow quite fantastic. i don't think i want to start cleaning my hair with egg and rum however, or eat pig trotter jelly, and chicken with tougue in it. eeewwwwwwww
    was fantastic.
    see u all 2moro

  8. Oh thanks Mrs Doctor Who. I didn't see it, but we shoulde definitely make a point of watching it towards the end of term. Let's put in a date for 15 September 2010.
