Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Evil women?

Well, after our lesson today I've been thinking about the wonderful array of characters we have read about in just one term! The cast of women include the brave Betty, smart and savvy Jennifer; Esther, Joan, and tough but fair JayCee, and Mrs Greenwood, and Dodo Conway; John Donne's love who forever draws him back to her, Shakespeare's Mistress who is a very earthly and earthy woman; Marvell's reluctant Coy Mistress ( I wonder if she gave in?). Soon we will add Cordelia and Regan and Goneril.
That's just the A-List of women, and only in our set texts! There are also the times and places (ie social and historical contexts), and the men and the relationships. And the language. And so much more in your own wider reading. No wonder we're all feeling a little exhausted ( but much much wiser!)
Have just read an old (2004) but interesting article from the Sydney Morning Herald on the dangers of studying Shakespeare by placing a reading over the play which in effect limits the linguistic fetures, the message, the original beauty of the writing. I've attempted to hyper link it here, who knows if that will work. If it doesn't, it's at www., and it's titled "Friends, Romans, Marxists..."

Happy Break, hope Easter Bunny leaves you something - perhaps a book rather than chocolate? Now that would be lovely. JC


  1. for some reason i cant get into the link.. but ill keep trying..

    Happy Easter everyone and i hope you all have a great holidays! i know i will.. i plan to finish the book I'm reading titled: the beginner's guide to living, by Lia hills. if any of you remember Lia visited Clonard on our English day last year. she got us to write a story intro.
    I suggest you all to take a look at it.
    anyways hope you all have a brilliant holidays..
    love you all
    xx Cinda

  2. Hello everyone,
    I've attached the Sydney Morning Herald article about learning snd reading Shakespeare to the list of "Interesting Sites.." on the R hand side of the blog page, so hopefully this will work, Cinda. Please keep your eyes on the list as I'll add a couple of more links over the holis.
    Please, can those of you who have not yet contributed to the blog, drop a line in, so that you are contributing and supporting your classmates, rather than just sitting back and reading what we all have to say? It may make us feel a little lonely...
    Thanks, hope you're all enjoying the sleep-ins as much as I am!

  3. Just thought i would say hello to you all...
    I hope that cheeky Easter Bunny dropped off something deliciously egg-shaped for you all.

    I have also had trouble making it into that link, even the one on the top of the list.

    And, yes, I had noticed we had been reading about many unique women; but I thought it was because of our 'all-girls' education, and the feminist approach we should all gain through it. But, I'm sure, it is probably just the set curriculum. ;)

    I'm arduously making my way through 'The Great Gatsby', hopefully it will pick-up and I will start to enjoy it.

    Until then...
    Goodbye ladies and enjoy your break (however small it may be).

    elisha xx
