Sunday, November 7, 2010

So long, farewell, hoo roo, adieu

I so much enjoyed hearing everyone's thoughts about their literary choices, in our Book Club.
It was so valuable to really LISTEN to opinions about books we may all have dismissed, had we not taken the time to pay attention to each other. I would not have considered reading a fantasy, or a Vampire book, for examplel, but after listening to Lucinda, Lyndel, Rosie and Georgia, I'll reconsider. And the amount of publicity over The Horse Whisperer flashed warning lights for me, but now perhaps I must read it also!

Wouldn't it be good to have a Book Club if we had the time next year? But, life will get in the way. So let's just say that we'll continue to read and pass on our thoughts to whoever will listen!

I'll attach the list of all our novels. And one final task:
I'd like everyone to select a book was discussed in our Book Club, and read it over the summer break. Be brave. Give something new a go. And I will to.

Thanks for a great year. JC

1 comment:

  1. thankyou heaps JC for this year. Have a lovely last few weeks of school. :) :)
    from MRS. DR WHO
