Friday, June 18, 2010

How the Bard is ever with us...

Hello, it seems we have all had our heads down and are now emerging - to prepare for holidays and to begin the next phase of our literary journey!
On the ABC Radio website, there is a very amusing little gadget you can download. Ringtones for your phone, and they are John Bell reciting lines of Shakespeare! So instead of the usual clamour that assaults your ears, you can instead listen to his mellifluous (WHAT is that word?) tones wondering whether "To be, or not to be".

Posting over the holidays, each of you must contribute, we're all looking forward to reading each others posts.

Bon weekend. JC


  1. How wonderful, What a novel idea.
    People never seize to amaze me.


  2. Charming. Yes i do agree people are rather amazing. Such as those in the year 11 lit class... exactly why we should all have a fantastic elite handshake!!
    Can anyone recommend some WONDERFUL books for me to read these holidays?(no terribly boring ones where they descibe a cupcake and how fat the charecter is for like two pages, and then make it sound as if the character has a crush on his little sister. CREEEEEPY.)
    I like everything that doesn't drone on bout death and be all depressing like, and that doesn't talk about school overly or about sport. So basically any thrilling adventure that will capture my imagination.
    And yes i'd prefer that they be from the wider reading list as all the books i've read lately arn't from there and its rather terrible. But one must keep up with serries started in previous times before the wider reading list came along.
    A fast moving fantastically wonderful book that keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to read more... and definaltey not the kind where reading each page actually feels like some cruel torture due to the boring content, is what i'm after. If you know such a book, please please please please tell me. :)
    HAVE A FANTASTIC weekend. never stop smiling, ever! :) :) :)

  3. Mrs Doctor Who - Can I suggest you return to the Wider Reading List, and take it with you to your trusted librarian? Anything from the Premiers Literary Awards, or Age Book of the Year Awards, may be of your liking if you are reluctant to read lengthy period tomes. Although, you may be surprised... What about "Oliver Twist", a great yarn, very accessible. Many of our bloggers have enjoyed "Notes on a Scandal", which is very fast-paced. "Surrender", by Sonya Hartnett is a favourite of mine, as is "The Lovely Bones", and "The Memory Keepers Daughter", both suspense dramas, with complex but engaging family back stories. Holidays are the best time for wider reading. "Emma" will enahnce your understanding of "Pride and Prejudice". JC

  4. and then it became purple O: (:. does anyone else have a picture of sylvia plath on the comment part of their screen? i cant't see some of what i write. anyways this is my comment of the holidays. i'll c u all wednesday lit class. cheerio. have a fantastic holidays. :) :)
