Thursday, April 22, 2010

My favourite website - well, maybe. And a special birthday!

Hello everyone,
Boy do I love Wordspy - it always brings a smile to my face. It lists new words that are entering our lexicon, words that may have been "invented" by an author or journalist, and which have ained currency. Sometimes they are just so apt they quickly become part of our everday language (metrosexual, blogosphere), sometimes they are hybrid words or portmanteau words that seem so perfect I wonder why I haven't thought of them myself ( facepalm, misery-lit). It's a lot of fun, and proof , as if we need it, that our languge is dynamic, ever-changing, and that words are wonderful!
My fave word at the moment? Recombobulate.
BTW - what's a portmaneau word? A word made up of two words added together, such as teapot, treehouse.

Happy Birthday Mr William Shakespeare. 23 April is auspicious for all of us literature lovers, as Shakespeare was born on this day in 1564, and then died on the same date, in 1616.


  1. Hi Guys
    Here is a famous poet, German I believe, that I have just stumbled upon, and his work is AMAZING! His name is Rainer Maria Rilke - you should really look him up some time.


  2. Thanks for your post! Tell me how you "stumbled upon" Rilke, and what poems in particular do you like? Why do you consider him to be amazing? Is it his "letters" you read, or other works? The images in his works are very evocative and lyrical, aren't they? JC

  3. Hey,

    In The Time Traveller's Wife, there are little snippets of poems (some of them Rilke's) at the beginning of each chapter, and during the book, Rilke is mentioned a lot of times. So I looked him up, and I found his Self-Portrait, A Women Going Blind, and more recently, his Duino Elegies. All of the images he creates seem to spring into my mind, especially in A Woman Going Blind. I think, more particularly, I love the way his thought process works in relation to his poetic works. He just makes me smile when I read his poetry - he is amazing. I am speechless.

    His ideas seem to modern, or above-time, that I found it so hard to believe he DIED in 1926! I thought, given by the way he structured his poems, he would have been a lot younger, and maybe still living.

