Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mrs Greenwood

Hello everyone,
I have thoroughly re-read the Assessment Task sheet, and the Creative Response Template. They are very clear. The instructions are explicit, the task clearly worded. There is no hidden meaning or subtext. You plan your Response by thinking about the original text and how your creative response will relate to and be faithful to the original text. The Creative Response Template ensures you are very thorough and clear in your planning. It is an aid to your writing, you should find that it clarifies your thinking, and forces you to be very concise.

You were given the Creative Template to plan and prepare your response over two weeks ago - a very generous amount of time to prepare!

Your Creative Response is exactly as per the Assessment Sheet and Rubric. The task is there, it is imaginative and creative. The criteria for assessing it is outlined in detail. The Areas of Study were given out to you at the start of the year, and we talk about them often in class. You will have studied the Assessment sheet over the break, and have taken advantage of the Easter holidays to practice writing your ideas, haven't you?

There are no surprises. I have not sprung anything on you to be tricky!

See you tomorrow, JC


  1. Thankyou...

    I had a lot of trouble getting my head around the "creative" part of this task. In previous years I have always had such a long list of requirements, but as soon as i was allowed to get creative I found it quite daunting...

    I wish all of you the very best for tommorrow and thankyou once again JC for clarifying, I'm sorry for being a nuisance :S, guess it was just pre-assesment jitters.

    elisha xx

  2. thank you so much for clarifying...
    i found the "creative" part quite simple.
    but the sheet was not quite clear. but i have re-read it. and it all seems fine now.
    thank you again.
    and good luck tomorrow girls!

  3. Yes this helps a lot :)
    I was okay with the 'creative' part, even though I prefer structured, but some of the terminology on the sheet is what really got me, but I think I am okay now
    Good luck everyone!!
    ashie xo
