Monday, October 25, 2010

SWPL and more

This is the link to the site we were talking about today.
There is a tab at the top labelled "Full List of Stuff White People Like". Scanning down it, I found that #99 is "Grammar". I couldn't resist reading this post, and yes, there I was , reading bout people like me who are bothered by incorrect punctuation and poor grammar. And I am proud of it!

We're drawing to an end of our blog, aren't we? Makes me a little sad. JC

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Cannon

Hello everyone,

Have you heard the term "cannon" applied to books, or authors? It means a list of books which are generally accepted , or considered, to be worthy of reading for generations after they were first published, beacuse they remain relevant. They are referred to as "Literature" in inverted commas. Sometimes the definitions lead to a kind of snobbish attitude, which everyone generally tries to avoid. The qualities of works in the literary cannon are that they are stylistically interesting, they have something to say beyond the plot, they are re-read over and over.
Read the article at the link below.
Go to the link at the Harold Bloom appendix reference within the article. This has the entire list of the books Harold Bloom ( a very well known writer, academic and critic), considered should be in a literary cannon. There are many lists. Go to the Great Britain, America and Australia lists. Have you read any of the novels he lists? Have you heard of any?

Why would certain groups or people argue with the lists?