Thursday, May 13, 2010

How much of the Bard can you bear?

Hello everyone,
I have heard a rumour that, perhaps, just perhaps, you are suffering from too much of a good thing at the moment.
Are Macbeth and King Lear giving you Shakespeare overload?
On Friday May 21 ( next Friday), you can use the lesson to complete your Lear text response questions, and hand them up at the end of that lesson. Hope that alleviates any time pressures you may be feeling.

We'll do activities in class over the next couple of weeks, as you have all read the text and have a solid grip on the plot and character details. That will prepare us for the production, too. Very exciting.

We'll definitely set a date for our Literature Soiree, complete with (optional) dress-ups and period style food. I'll pass on the tripe thanks, Elisha.



  1. i have to say it is quite confusing doing two Shakespeare text at once. i have already confused the two story plots in English.. and due to this I'm having a hard time getting the plot of king Lear..
    thank you for giving a heads up on the response, it gives me time to prepare.
    looking forward to our little party,
    xx Cinda

  2. yesss,
    I do admit to having slight Shakespeare head-ache so the extra time is much appreciated. Thanks heaps.
    I am also looking forward to our party, sounds fun.
    How was class on Friday? Nice and small?


  3. Shakespeare stress? for any people who are having a hard time at working out what things were like back in the day of shakespeare watch this!! But.... yeah minus the real witchs that are karenite (aliens) and minus the doctor, martha, and the tardis. Cut yes you will see the "toliets" contents being thrown out of windows and the like. if you all have a shakeapeare headache, watch this, it lighens things up as did the illiterates guide to shakespeare. i'll put youtube links below this comment.
    part 1:
    part 2:
    part 3:
    part 4:
    part 5:

    ther you all go. But before you dismiss this, this episode shows the power of words, as liteture students this is lovely to see. it shows shakespeare. Gives a fictional reason as to why shakepeare wrote about witches. Mentions hamlet. And makes reference and jocks towards harry potter.
    for those who havn't seen any doctor whos: dr who is a timelord, an alien. His kind watches over time and the other planets. in a war the timelords were all wiped out. dr whowas 19 when this happened. So he now looks after himself. He had two hearts being a timelord and alien. he now has a soft spot for earth. he protects them now from other nasty plantets, and has saved eaerth so many times wihout even a thankyou. he is now around 900 years old. he always travels with a companion as he gets lonely. in this episode her name is martha. she is from the 21st century, she is a doctor.

    I hope those of you that have sgakespeare overload syndrome watch this. it really does help. have a great weekend. :)
    cya all 2moro for poetry.

  4. I just wanted to leave a comment to say how much i enjoyed our class this morning.
    Lisa, i thought, was fantastic. She had great insight into not only Donne's poems, but his life also. I was extremely impressed...

    Thankyou for organising such a refreshing poetry session JC, and Thankyou Lisa.
    elisha. xx

  5. i agree with Elisha. i loved this-mornings lesson. i loved the whole "Google earth" activity. she had a nice spin to the world of Donne.
    i do have to say that i understand a poem more when we go through them in depth in class, but i was still able to understand the poetry briefly today.
    thank you JC!
    i loved it
