Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So much to do, so little time..

Wasn't the Orchestra wonderful? I think it is so interesting to watch the precise movements of the musicians, and the conductor. The smallest note - the "ting" of the triangle, the plucking of a violin string - can have such a big impact! It makes me aware of the score in every film I watch, and to consider the music with much more importance than I used to.
And the galleries are places of real magic, aren't they? It would have been great for us to spend more time in both galleries, and visit the costumes and glass and sculptures, and spend a long time lying down under the Leonard French Windows. Ah well, maybe everyone will make a point of visiting the Ian Potter or NGV one day over the next holidays. The gift shops are wonderful, too.

That show about the food from other eras is on SBS, and it's called "Supersizers Go..." Last week they ate like Edwardians, from the early 20th century. I worry for their health, as all the meals seem like a plate of heart attack followed by a dish of clogged arteries, with a side serve of liver disease and fat. But, it's very amusing and the hosts are very funny.

Thanks for the poems, Zoe and Mrs Dr Who. The Harpur poem had me curious, so I researched him - he was born in Australia in the eraly 1800s, so was a very early Australian Poet, writing before Pretty Dick and M Caloche were written! And the poem Invictus is inspiring, isn't it? Nelson Mandela used to recite the poem to his fellow prisoners, and those final two lines always make me draw breath, they are so powerful. The poem initially had no title, it was called Invictus at a later date. Invictus means "Unconquered". I think if that was the mantra you lived by, it would help you to feel in control of your life and your destiny.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Poetry websites - so many to choose from!

Hello fellow poetry lovers,

Sarah, thanks for sharing your poetry information with us.

The best Poetry website to start with is

Apart from anything else, it's a very smartly-designed, fun and interesting website.
There are links there to other sites (cordite is a very good poetry website), including literary magazines and journals (Heat, Meanjin), links to Students resources, writers, competition, links to poets both AUstralian and International, as well as the most recent and invigorating poetry.

What poets have you discovered recently? What Australian Poet can you find on the website mentioned above, and what poem strikes a chord with you?

Looking forward to some interesting, poetical discussion!

Here's my fave for today, by the amazing Les Murray, from 2002

The Meaning of Existence

Everything except language
knows the meaning of existence.
Trees, planets, rivers, time
know nothing else. They express it
moment by moment as the universe.

Even this fool of a body
lives it in part, and would
have full dignity within it
but for the ignorant freedom
of my talking mind.